Telefon:(+40) 745 322 540
Address:6 Pădurii St, Cluj Napoca
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Ask for advice, information, and offers for your project and we will contact you as soon as possible.


    • Performance guarantees in accordance with the conditions laid down by law
    • Proactive management team
    • Professionalism
    • Attention to every detail
    • Garanții de bună execuție conform condițiilor prevăzute de legislație
    • Quality materials
    • We use only technically approved materials that meet the quality requirements laid down by the regulations in force
    • All these quality certification documents, together with the hidden works reports recorded during the execution, will be included in the Construction Book, chapter B, on the execution of the works, which will be handed over to the beneficiary at the time of acceptance on completion of the works
    Luni - Vineri 8.00 - 18.00
    Weekend INCHIS
    Str. Pădurii Nr. 6, Cluj-Napoca
    (+40) 745 322 540


    (+40) 745 322 540
    6 Pădurii St, Cluj-Napoca

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